Monday, November 10, 2008

Weighed Down By Revelation

This week I was asked to lead my small groups Bible study. We had just finished a series on the Book of Jonah and I was put in charge of picking another book of the Bible to study. Someone suggested Revelation, "yeah right" I thought to myself. But then the results of our presidential election was given...Barak Obama won. I have heard many comments from Christians that Obama is the "anti-Christ" or the one world leader that many say Revelation predicts. Regardless of these theories I stick with what Jesus said....we will not know the hour or the time of His return.
This got me thinking...if this truly is the last days and perhaps my generation will be raptured then, what should I do with the days I have remaining?

I opened the book of Revelation and read through chapters 1 to 3. I came face to face with the glorified Jesus and His last words to the Church. As I read I noticed over and over familiar phrases and symbols found in other books of the Bible. I took out my reference Bible and looked up each cross-reference for the verses in chapter 1.

I am amazed at how packed that first chapter is with evidence, hope, and instruction. I didn't get to move on to chapters 2+3 but I suppose that will be for next week. I realize that God does not say anything in vain; each verse is full of meaning and significants. The description of Jesus is incredible! His mighty look of white hair and robe. The powerful voice and piercing eyes. Jesus is might and He holds the keys to Hades and death. No wonder John fell like dead at the feet of Jesus. If I were only to remember who Jesus is perhaps I would sin less and worship more.

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