Friday, October 24, 2008

He First Loved Me

I have been thinking the last two days about where my life could have been if God wouldn't have had His hand on my life. I have done some sinful things but God choose to love me and forgive me. He not only saved me from Hell and a live of destruction but God also saved me from myself. Funny, its nothing I have done but what He did while I was cursing Him. I love Him because He first loved me. I have been adopted into God's family. But my adoption story should end there....

At LEAD08, speaker Josh Otte talked about this very thing. His story brought me to tears. You can listen to the whole thing at

Josh shared a story about his adoptive brother, Matthew. At only a few months old, Matthew was left abandoned in a train station in China. He was brought to an orphanage where he spent the first seven years of his life. Matthew is deaf and has a deformed arm (or something similar). Because of his age and disability I am sure the adults at the orphanage thought that Matthew would never have a home. But God....I love those words! But God had a home for Matthew! Josh Otte's mother, a single women of 5o, who already had a few adult children, was lead by God to adopt Matthew. Mrs. Otte communicates with Matthew through sign language and has showered her son with love. Matthew felt so loved that on day he said this to his mother, "Mom, can you go back to China and adopt my friends at the orphanage?" WOW, Matthew wanted his friends to experience the same love he felt as being an adoptive child.
Do I think this way?
God has adopted me and I have known and experienced His love. Why do I not ask Him, "Can you adopt my friends?" I know so many who don't know Him. Instead of sharing my gift I talk about petty things. How will they know if they do not hear? I am not scared to share my faith, I suppose I am plagued by apathy. I just don't think about sharing. My, what a terrible thing! I am sure too that I do not want to offend it offensive to throw someone a life jacket if they are drowning? I definitely need to start a new habit...sharing about God 's love everyday and intercede on that persons behalf.

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